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Digital Electronics

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About Course

This course encompasses a comprehensive study of Digital Electronics, starting with Number Systems and Codes, delving into Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates for logical operations, progressing to Combinational Logic Circuit design for complex functions, exploring Flip Flops and Sequential Logic and Circuits for memory and sequential operations, introducing State Machines for systematic state transitions, covering Programmable Logic Devices for versatile logic implementations, and culminating with an in-depth understanding of D/A (digital-to-analog) and A/D (analog-to-digital) Converters essential for data conversion between digital and analog domains.

What Will You Learn?

  • In this course, students will delve into the core concepts of digital electronics, covering number systems and codes, Boolean algebra and logic gates, combinational logic circuits, flip flops, sequential logic circuits, state machines, programmable logic devices (PLDs), and D/A (digital-to-analog) and A/D (analog-to-digital) converters. They will learn to analyze and design digital circuits, understand logical operations and their implementations, work with memory elements and sequential circuits, design state machines for control applications, program PLDs for custom logic functions, and grasp the principles behind data conversion between digital and analog domains, equipping them with essential skills for electronics and computer engineering domains.

Course Content

Number Systems and Codes
This module introduces students to various number systems including decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal, covering binary arithmetic, number base conversion, complements, and codes such as binary, excess-3, gray, and error detection/correction codes.

  • Number System and Codes
  • Number Systems and Codes

Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates
This section covers Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates, encompassing positive and negative logic, logic gates like AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, and XOR, along with an introduction to logic operators, postulates, theorems, properties, Karnaugh map methods for simplification, implementation of NAND and NOR gates, handling don't-care conditions, tabulation methods, and determining prime implicants.

Combinational Logic Circuit
This module covers Combinational Logic Circuits, including half and full adders/subtractors, binary parallel adders, BCD and decimal adders, magnitude comparators, encoders, decoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers, and code conversion techniques.

Flip Flops and Sequential Logic and Circuits
This section explores Flip-Flops and Sequential Logic Circuits, covering the distinction between Combinational and Sequential logic, various types of Flip-Flops (S-R, J-K, D, Master-Slave), triggering methods (level and edge) including asynchronous and synchronous inputs, excitation tables for flip-flops, ripple and synchronous counters, registers, shift registers, and pulse generation techniques.

Introduction to State Machines
This segment introduces State Machines, addressing their necessity, fundamental concepts in State Machine analysis, and synchronous State Machine design. Topics include Sequential Counters, State Changes Referenced to Clock, and the role of Flip-Flops in defining states.

Programmable Logic Devices
This module provides an introduction to Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) including Read-Only Memory (ROM), Programmable Logic Arrays (PLA), and Programmable Array Logic (PAL), exploring their functionalities and applications in digital circuit design.

D/A and A/D Converters
This section focuses on D/A (digital-to-analog) and A/D (analog-to-digital) Converters, covering D/A converter specifications, types like R-2R ladder and binary weighted resistor DACs, and A/D converter technology including counter type, tracking type, flash type, successive approximation, and dual slope type A/D converters along with their specifications and working principles.

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8 months ago